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Under The Hood Learning

Learning to share, sharing to learn


React - Meet Virtual DOM

Learn about React Virtual DOM - what it is and how it works under the hood. Deep dive into React's heuristic diffing mechanism that makes React performant
9 min read

React - Meet and Greet

An introduction to React: what it is, its features, and high-level architectural components
7 min read
Design Pattern, General Concepts

Observer Pattern with Vanilla JS

Learn the nuts and bolts of the Observer design pattern by exploring the problems this pattern is designed to solve, the overall structure of the pattern, and how to implement it through a practical example.
5 min read
Design Pattern, General Concepts

MVC Architectural Design Pattern With Vanilla JS

Learn the nuts and bolts of the MVC design pattern in the context of frontend web development using just Vanilla JS.
8 min read
Design Pattern, JavaScript

AJAX Demystified - What Is AJAX?

Demystifying Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) by learning how AJAX works under the hood using just VanillaJS.
8 min read
Design Pattern, JavaScript

AJAX Demystified - Why Do We Need AJAX?

Demystifying Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) by learning why we need this technology in the first place. What problem was it designed to solve?
8 min read
JavaScript, General Concepts

Asynchronous JavaScript (JS) Demystified

Take a look under the hood to understand how asynchronous code is executed by the single-threaded JS language.
6 min read
JAMStack, Tutorials

Tutorial: Build a JAMStack Blog with Gatsby and Ghost - Part 1

In Part 1 of this tutorial, we will spin up both the frontend and backend of our blog in a local environment.
4 min read
JAMStack, Tutorials

How I Created My Blog Using JAMStack

A quick overview of how I set up my blog using JAMStack: all components used in the stack and my typical blogging workflow using this tech stack.
8 min read
.NET Framework, ASP.NET Core Web API

ASP.NET Core: What Is It?

An introduction to ASP.NET Core. Learn what it is and what types of applications can be built using this framework.
4 min read

JAMStack vs. WordPress: Which One Is Better?

Learn about the core philosophy behind JAMStack by comparing it to WordPress.
3 min read
JavaScript Client-side Frameworks

Client-side JavaScript (JS) Frameworks - Part 1

Start learning about JavaScript client-side frameworks by looking at a brief history of JavaScript, the motivation for creating JS frameworks, and main components shared by all JS frameworks
7 min read